Everyone suffers from anxiety at some point in life, its your body's way of letting you know that action is needed to confront a threatening or dangerous situation.
As such, anxiety can actually be a useful thing as it can make you take action as appropriate. For example, ensuring you are prepared as possible for a job interview or not doing something that you think is dangerous.
However, as with stress, there can be a tipping point where suffering from anxiety too frequently will have a detrimental effect on ones life. Constant anxiety can become very unhealthy, and in some cases anxiety can be made worse by reacting badly to anxiety itself (e.g. just not going to the job interview at all instead of confronting the cause of the anxiety)
Because the feeling of anxiety can be frequent, intense and distressing, many people try to eliminate these feelings entirely which is not the best way to deal with anxiety. If you ignore or try to eliminate your anxieties, you miss out on learning how to deal with unavoidably stressful and demanding situations.
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