Everyone at some point in there life experiences Anxiety, and many people may be suffering from anxiety and not even realise it. In fact it is estimated that approximately 5% of the population may suffer from Anxiety Disorders at any time.
Whilst anxiety is very common in society it is also usually a very much "under the surface" disorder in that sufferers generally suffer in silence or use medications that block the symptoms of anxiety without actually curing the true causes.
Interestingly anxiety is most prevalent in women between the ages of 20 and 50 years of age, and they are more than twice as likely to suffer from an anxiety disorder than men. Most sufferers will never seek treatment despite the fact that the majority of those who do seek treatment are treated successfully.
Anxiety can be caused by numerous things ranging from small to big things (such as a death of someone close, going on a date, school tests, illness etc) and can last a very short period of time stretching to months of even years depending on the personal situation. However, usually once time has passed or the situation resolved, anxiety tends to pass.
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